Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Task 2 : How does your product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents a particular group of people who are featured in a lot of thrillers nowadays. A lot of crime scene based thrillers have police detectives which look quite similar. Our thriller represents the same type of audience. For example, our male is quite laid back looking which is scene quite commonly in TV dramas and films. I feel he is represented in a positive way because he is casual but smart and has a jokey personality adding humour to the film. The picture below is an accurate representation of the type of police detective we were trying to portray. (taken from Sherlock on BBC)

Our female detective is quite representative of the typical woman police detective. A femme fatale who cares about looks and thinks she is the "bees knees". For example, this can be scene in detective programs such as CSI where we see women characters being portrayed as leading roles. The picture below shows the woman from CSI New York who is in a way similar to the type of character our female detective represents.
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Our dead bodies in our media product are meant to be young lovers. They aren't really as big of a part and therefore can't be as represented as much as the main characters, but as they are teenagers it gives them a sense of vulnerability. A lot of the time in horrors or thrillers, the young girl will die first.

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