Our film is aimed for young adults aged 15-24, however other people would as well be interested. Our film isn’t exactly aimed for the young generation as it wouldn’t interest them because it is a crime thriller. Our genre of film would normally interest an older audience anyway, because of the mild horror and storyline which the young wouldn’t necessarily understand. Not only this but they may get bored and not like it as our film contains drama, tension, mild horror and suspense. This would interest the older audiences a lot more as they would be able to relate to the drama and the tension wouldn’t frighten them as much.
With the audience we have aimed our film at, they would be able to go to watch it with friends as a pastime whereas older people may not find the time.
Out thriller isn’t gender specific as it would appeal to both however, men and boys may find the thriller and tension side more interesting but women and girls the drama. Our main character is also female, and this may attract a male audience as she would be sophisticated and nice to watch. The certificate of our film would be a 12A or 15 because of the mild horror and scenes younger audiences wouldn’t understand.

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