Sunday, 12 June 2011

Research into Preliminary task

  The band that will be playing in the preliminary shoot are Acres of Life who are a pop/punk band. To help me with the shots I looked at examples of other music videos for shot ideas and directing, mise-en-scene and editing.
 Other bands of a similar genre that I researched into are below:

 A Day to Remember:

Ideas for editing that I liked:
-fast paced at the beginning showing the band names and all of the band members
-post production of the writing and sketches over the top of the video
- cuts back to the band at the chorus
- slow motion at certain parts
- cuts to all different bands

Ideas for camerawork that I liked:
- hand held camera work that makes it shakey and gives it a rough edge
- Close Up shots of all of the band members
- pans across band posters at the beginning
- Wide shot at the beginning allowing the whole band to be seen
- Pans across the band
- Deep focus on the lead singer
Ideas for Mise-en-scene that I liked:
- The colour scheme of neutral colours
- messy setting
- posters on the wall
- In a room which allows all of the band to be seen.
Me vs Hero

Ideas for editing that I liked:
- fast paced
- cuts to each band member and instruments
- effects put over the top of colours

Ideas for camerawork that I liked:
- Hand held
- Low angle shot of lead singer
- Shots of close up on drummer and guitar chords

Ideas for Mise-en-scene that I liked:
- the setting outside
- the clothes
- bright lighting in the open
- people watching

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