Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Our Animatic and feedback

Once we had completed our storyboard, we filmed each individual picture up against the wall so that when it came to editing, we could put them all together and create our animatic.
The whole editing process was quite quick considering there were a lot of individual drawings from our storyboard. We did however encounter a few problems with Final Cut and found that it crashed a few times and lost our animatic. It was okay though as we quickly caught up.
During the feedback session where we played the animatic to the class and teachers, we received a lot of feedback. It was apparent that the performance element was a bit confusing and we were advised to inter cut the band throughout our whole video. A lot of the pictures came across unclear and so when it came to the sets we found that the tea party scene really needs to go full out with props and set design.
The ending was also unclear as there was a misunderstanding with the age of the actors and how it might look strange with a young girl at school with a teenager. This is something we need to think about in terms of when it comes to our production. We thought about maybe changing small elements but we still need to finalise the end.
The chaotic scene in the hallway was also a scene that we need to think through as it is our main wide shot and is featured a lot throughout. We have been told to think about who is in the scene, what aer they wearing and what are they doing as it has to maintain a sense of continuity to look good.
This then led to the upstairs scene which means there must be something in the hallway as a reason for the girl to be running upstairs, otherwise it could look strange just running from nothing.
The only other thing to sort out and finalise is the props and costumes but that will all be sorted for the final production.
Overall our animatic will be really helpful when it comes to our production and I found that it worked really well for our group.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Cast, Costume and Prop list

Cast Members:

Tommy Lyster from Cranleigh (Outside student)
Age: 17
Role: Mad Hatter - main singing part - leader of the band "The Teacups".
Costume: Suit, pin-stripped, quite alternative, with a little emo-ish twist.
Example of the "look" below.  
The Little Girl
Alabama Jackson (Outside Student)
Age: 12
Role: Main Girl - girl scout
Costume to look like this (below):
Other Band Members
John Oldfield from Cranleigh (Outside student)
Age: 17

Role: The March Hair - Drums/Guitar
Costume? Same gothic-esque costume, with a twist, ears and face makeup probable. 

The Door Mouse 
 Eva Abeling - Hurtwood House Student (A2)
Age: 17
Role: The Door Mouse - Guitarist 

Princesses :

First Princess
Ally Blacklock - Hurtwood House Student (A2)
Age: 17
Role: Belle/Beauty
Costume Below:

Second Princess

Jasmine Sichel - Hurtwood House Student (A2)
Age: 17
Role: Princess Cinderella
Costume Below:

Third Princess

Sarah Wichall - Hurtwod House Student (A2)
Age: 18
Role: Snow White
Costume Below:

Fourth Princess

 Sabrina Salmon - Hurtwood House Student (A2)
Age: 18
Role: Sleeping Beauty
Costume Below:

Paul Godeau - Hurtwood House Student (AS)
Age: 16
Role: Pinocchio wrapped up in string
Costume Like This:

Captain Hook

 Antonio Magro (Teacher at Hurtwood House)
Age: Older :)
Role: Crazy Captain Hook
Costume Like This:
Prince Charming/Big Bad Wolf

Max Voloshin - Hurtwood House Student (A2)
Age: 17
Role: Arrogant Prince Charming
Costume Like This:
Little Red Riding Hood

Courtney Madincea - Hurtwood House Student (A2)
Age: 17
Role: Red Riding Hood, sleeping with the wolf.
Costume Below:

List of Costume Sources:

Hurtwood House Costume Department: we may be able to salvage the costumes of the Mad hatter, the Girl Scout, Pinocchio, Captain Hook, the other band members and smaller costume parts like the grandma wig, the additional character costumes (extras costumes) and accessories like Little R.R.H's basket. 

Fairy Godmother Costume Hire – Cinderella Gown, Belle Gown, Red Riding Hood Outfit. 

Other websites/personal stock - Wolf mask, Dwarf mask, Girl scout sash, Black wig


Tea Set
Wig x2
Glass Slipper
Toy Boats
Rubber Duck
Bunny ears
Mouse ears
Face paint
Make up
White Gloves
Fairy Lights (White)
Baloons (pastel)
Long table
X6 chairs
Cake stands